Sunday afternoon at the ISDA Recreation Hall, 38 N Plaza St. Ajo, AZ. 85321, tribal elders from transborder cultures & interfaith leaders from border towns will:
• Celebrate their connections to sacred lands & water now in peril;
• Offer histories of environmental & cultural changes at Quitobaquito;
• Propose novel means of expressing non-violent resistance & resilience in the face of challenges to transborder cultures through ceremonial activism;
• Note lessons from pioneering prophets of social justice in border states;
• Honor today’s traditional salt pilgrims doing prayer runs; &
• Hear your concerns in an open listening session (3 minutes/person/bout).
We ask everyone to arrive on time, bring your own drinks, folding chairs or sitting mats, wear masks, & observe six-foot social distances inside the hall to keep everyone safe & healthy. The event will be rooted in prayerfulness & tradition.
Information/ Questions: 520-678-2381

AJO, Arizona, USA