Lets get past the nonsense in the debate about climate change, as Pope Francis challenges us:
“Once and for all, let us put an end to the irresponsible derision that would present this issue as something purely ecological, “green”, romantic, frequently subject to ridicule by economic interests. Let us finally admit that it is a human and social problem on any number of levels. For this reason, it calls for involvement on the part of all. In Conferences on the climate, the actions of groups negatively portrayed as “radicalized” tend to attract attention. But in reality,they are filling a space left empty by society as a whole, which ought to exercise a healthy “pressure”, since every family ought to realize that the future of their children is at stake.”
My guts aren’t any greener than MABA Republican guts,
But when we drink crappy, contaminate water or none at all
We die the same deaths, perhaps at the end of unfulfilled lives.
My Arab cousins are not any less consumer-oriented than Israel Jews,
But when they fight to the death over scarce, depleted land and water,
No one wins. No one even breaks even. No one passes joy onto kids.
When it hits 125 degrees Fahrenhiet on a stark summer day, no matter
Whether you are Iranian, Yemeni, Californio, Canarian or Houstonian,
You curse the governor or crew boss that won’t let you rest in the shade.
It is time to give in to the instinct to get off our arses
And work together to keep us all from miserable deaths.