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Springtime/Cuaresma Reflections on Laudate Deum

By: Brother Coyote

Pope Francis has encouraged us to take tangible action to reduce the causal agents of climate change.

“We must move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes.”

The wringing of hands will not sequester any more carbon than hands thrown up in the air:

We must plant trees, protect prairies and coral reefs, and keep remnant forests intact.

The ululating and gnashing of teeth over ocean level rising will not hold the tides back”

We must safeguard mangrove lagoons and seagrass meadows along every coast.

The certification of organic food crops will not be enough to keep farm soils in place.

We need agroforestry systems, alley cropping between perennial berry shrubs, and hedgerows.

Hybrid and electric cars will not get us to where we want to be, it travel itself isn’t curbed.

We must abstain more frequently from any kind of train, boat, plane or car, Uber’s or our own.

Carbon credit markets only will only work when we must incentivize what used to be free:

We must return to walking and waddling, biking and backstroking, holding hands as we go.

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