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We are not ever alone, especially during a moment of crisis.

Quote of the Day: Irish-American poet Saint Brian Doyle once wrote that “I have never thought that prayers of request can be answered; I do not think that is the way of Mercy; yet we do whisper prayers of supplication; I think we always have, since long before our species arrived in this form. Sometimes I think that beings have been praying since there were beings; I suspect that all beings of every sort do pause and revere occasionally…”

Commentary: Some paleontologists and evolutionary biologists once claimed that humans are the only species that makes tools, uses complex languages or prays, but none of those assertions appear to be true. Moments of awe for the universe around us are worthy of a howl or two by numerous species, if you wish to call those prayers. But there is less and less—genetically or cognitively to distinguish us from other species. That is not our loss, it is our gain. We are not ever alone, especially during a moment of crisis…

Suggested Action #31: As you walk along your own “evolutionary path” today, names the many ways that your life is interdependent with others, that is, name and express gratitude to all those around you whom you could literally not live without, from beneficial microbes, to human mother.


Gary Paul Nabhan aka Brother Coyote is a professed member of the Ecumenical Order of Franciscans, a graduate of the Living School, a conservation biologist, orchard-keeper and story-teller.


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