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We Need a Greater Emphasis on Respectful Political Process, Charitable Neighborliness and True Dialogue that leads to Reconciliation

Gary-Paul-Nabhan-1-85x85Who does not feel every morning when we awaken & listen to the “news” that our country is struck in an “old” trench, where our divisiveness & unwillingness to find common ground – a hard task – is undermining much of what we care about & intangibly benefit from as citizens in our communities?

It is not just the Clinton/Trump rift (larger than the Grand Canyon) that demonstrates just how far apart we are from one another, but in our Dry Hate State of Arizona, look at the bitter McCain/Kirkpatrick race or the efforts to oust Sheriff Arpaio as well. I am not arguing that any of us should give up our convictions & values or not being repulsed by insensitive or potentially racist or sexist comments we hear… they will always sound sour in our ears if we have open hearts.

Instead I am talking about a greater emphasis on respectful political process, charitable neighborliness and true dialogue that leads to reconciliation. It is so easy for any of us (including me) to dismiss and blow off any cry for help, any dissent, any frustration that does not jive with our own.

I hope we all move toward making 2017 a Year of Listening, Reconciliation & Healing because if we do not prioritize these behaviors, all of us, will further suffer from the day after the elections onward into the coming years.

Brother Coyote, OEF



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