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Come hear Gary speaking at Overland Trout, August 11th

Come hear local author Gary Nabhan tell of his 14 country “spice odyssey” Monday August 11 at Overland Trout in Sonoita from 6:00-7:30 pm


• Commentaries on Gary’s new book, Cumin, Camels and Caravans between dinner courses, with signing afterwards
• Adaptations of ancient Middle Eastern recipes from book by Chef Greg La Prad
• Limited seating, rsvp by August 9 to Overland Trout, 520 455-9316 or email Jennifer La Prad
• 3266 Arizona Hwy 82, Sonoita, Arizona 85637
• Thirty dollars per person paid in advance, plus drinks a la carte




Chef Greg and Jennifer La Prad brings a polished dining experience to the lush high-desert grasslands of Sonoita, poising this region as the Southwest’s prized up-and-coming culinary destination. Overland Trout combines the treasured produce of Sonoita with its quality wine for an authentic and unforgettable dining experience.

Overland Trout will be looking forward to seeing you back, when we they reopen on Friday August 1st!


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